Rates & Subscriptions

We are always transparent about the costs. Our hourly rates are related to the business lawyer's work experience. We provide quotes and cost estimates based on estimated hours x rate, so you know what to expect. Finally, we do not charge additional office expenses (as is usual in the legal profession).

If you regularly need customized legal services, our Legal Safe subscription is the solution for you. See below the variants we offer.

The Legal Safe All-in subscription.

With this subscription, you are assured of daily legal protection and knowledge in all areas of business law. Your legal issues will be taken up and resolved immediately by permanent legal experts. In short, you have your own full-service legal team to deploy in the following areas of law at your discretion and need:

      • Labour law
      • Contract law
      • Corporate law
      • Privacy law
      • Liability law
      • Tenancy law
      • Intellectual property law

Rates start from €218,- per month excl. VAT.

The Legal Safe All-in + Alert subscription.

With this subscription, you are assured of daily legal protection and knowledge in all areas of business law including a periodic Alert mailing with a call as soon as something needs to be changed in your employment documentation due to changed laws, and regulations, case law or collective agreement. You can choose to have the change made to your employment documentation. This is always carried out under your Legal Safe discount hourly bundle.

The subscription consists of:

      • Legal aid helpdesk problem files
      • Periodic updates labor documentation
      • Labour Documentation Helpdesk
      • Legal (action) updates

Rates start from €281,- per month excl. VAT.

Does your company fall under a specific CLA, such as Cleaning CLA, Catering CLA or Retail & Non-food CLA? Also in this areas are The Legal Company's corporate lawyers specialized The business lawyers help you to tailor your labor documentation according to the collective labor agreement that applies to your company!

Benefits of our Legal Safe subscriptions:

      • Your own legal team
      • You purchase a bundle of hours at a fixed price with a 10% discount on the (average) hourly rate of our business lawyers.
      • Every quarter you will receive a detailed overview of the time spent and the status of your LS budget.

What our clients have to say about us